Thursday, December 26, 2019

Executive Compensation Ceo And Chairman Of The Board

There has been a dilemma about appointing the same person as a CEO of the company and the Chairman of the board. That person could gain too much power in their hands and act not in best interests of the company. These two roles often go side by side, conflicting one another, on the other hand. Some critics were arguing about time management and combining management control and governance in one person’s hands. Another argument is that person might gain so much power that he will not act in best interest of the company or the board won’t be able objectively evaluate his performance (in case of executive compensation). My research paper will include next arguments: †¢ Who are the CEO and the Chairman of the company and their roles †¢ Combined†¦show more content†¦The CEO is responsible for leadership of the business, managing the authorities, and also : †¢ Developing the strategy, recommendations to the Board †¢ Developing annual plan and budgeting †¢ Be responsible for the Board’s performance †¢ Oversee corporate policies †¢ Developing organizational structure and establish processes and systems to ensure the efficiency of resources †¢ Developing of performance targets †¢ Ensuring that financial results, business strategies are communicated to the community †¢ Ensuring smooth flow of information between the Board and executives †¢ Reporting to the Chairman †¢ Ensuring that management put procedures in place to ensure compliance with all regulations †¢ Internal control †¢ Keeping the Chairman informed on all materials. The Chairman, on the other hand, is a head of this board. The Board is usually elected by shareholders to oversee management, and protect the interest of the shareholders and align them with company’s goals and interests; such interests include stability and growth. The meetings normally take place several times a year to review proxy, financial statements, overview company’s performance, and vote on important strategies. However, the Chairman doesn’t play an active role in everyday management. The chairman will usually: †¢ Ensure effective operation of the Board and committees †¢ Ensure effective communication with shareholders †¢ Set agenda focused on strategy, growth, and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

`` A Doll House `` Women s Rights Of Liberty, Equality,...

â€Å"In the history of feminism Universalism has played a crucial role. The revolutionary promise to realize the individual human rights of liberty, equality, and political participation has been the basis for women’s claim for citizenship in Western democracies since the eighteenth century† (Scott). The problem, of course, could be that feminism is often difficult to define, a problem noted by bell hooks and Carmen Vasquez. Vasquez argues that feminism, unfortunately, has come to mean anything you like [†¦] There are as many definitions of Feminism as there are feminists (Vasquez qtd. in hooks 17 qtd. in Brunnemer). Women fought long and hard to achieve equal right with men, but in the 1870s that equality was just a dream. Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Doll House† shows just how unequal women were compared to men during this period of time. â€Å"The play was deemed so daring that, when performed in many countries, the ending was changed so that Nora return s home, finding she cannot leave Torvald or her three children so great is her love and devotion to them† (Brunnemer). There were two roads that could have been taken by women in this era. Road one was being a wife and a stay at home mom. The second road was being a low paid labor worker. Nora and her childhood friend Kristen represent the two choices that women had to choose from. â€Å"In The Myth of Motherhood: An Historical View of the Maternal Instinct (1981), the French philosopher Elisabeth Badinter argued that motherly love is not anShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 PagesResponsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modification f. Right tech for wrong reasons 3. Arts/Culture a. Arts have a future in Singapore? b. Why pursue Arts? c. Arts and technology d. Uniquely Singapore: Culture 4. Environment a. Developed vs. Developing b. Should environment be saved at all

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Weekly Portfolio Learning Table

Question: Discuss about theWeekly Portfolio Learning Table. Answer: Weekly Portfolio Learning Table Topic and reading samples. Your personal learning outcomes from this course. Learnings from your experience. Supporting documentation including your prior learnings. LEGISLATION, STANDARDS, FRAMEWORKS, GUIDELINES, METHODOLOGIES. I have learnt in the process of doing this course, the to better achieve its goals, organisations need to combine the systems of program management, portfolio management, and project management. OPM provides a framework through which an organisation can move through change on the basis of consistent practices that offer a repeatable way of doing business based on continuous improvement and learning through lessons learnt (Larry, Korinna and Claudia, 2012). OPM is an execution-focused strategy rather than one focused on strategy creation. OPM combines knowledge, talent, and processes across an organisation to ensure all stakeholders and functions are engaged in delivering its strategy. OPM ensures the effective integration of the organisations management systems to maximise their engagement and their contribution to its strategy delivery. I have also learned that OPM aligns strategy development with its implementation through deploying its collection of projects and programs for creat ion and delivery of business results. PMO enhances accountability and governance, ensures buy-in by stakeholders, helps navigate risks pro-actively, and helps drive the necessary change (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon, 2011) While doing a course project, the OPM framework became very hand for me and my group where I was team leader; it helped me harness the available talent in the group and combine these with knowledge and process in order to complete a new previously not-done project. It enabled me to combine elements of project management, portfolio management, and program management to successfully complete a group project. Read the book PMI Implementing Organisational PM Preface Chapter 1 by Kerzner to better understand the workings of OPM and its implementation in a modern business perspective. I also watched Week 5 Tutorial Recording and Harold Kerzner Video: An Introduction to the Best Practices in Project Management to better understand the importance and framework of OPM Portfolio Reflection Using the OPM framework, as I realized, is an important tool for making decisions on the projects or investments to select and focus more resources on because with the use of project management principles integrated into the OPM framework, it is possible to select not just the most viable project with the potential highest return; but also select the project most aligned with the organizations objectives. This was evidently used in a course project where we selected a project best aligned with the course requirements and the skills of the team References Larry, B., Korinna, S. and Claudia, B. (2012). PMO - Organizational Project Management (OPM). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2017]. Milosevic, D., Patanakul, P. and Srivannaboon, S. (2011). Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management. 1st ed.Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Internet friends real or fake Essay Example

Internet friends real or fake Essay What constitutes a real friendship? In this day and age many people have lots of friends with social media especially Facebook users. Can a friendship through social media replace a friend that you can touch and feel? People use social media websites to keep in touch or reconnect to past acquaintances and follow each others lives. People use social media sites such as facebook, myspace or instgram to keep in touch and follow each others lives. Before these sites or the internet people kept in touch with friends by visiting, calling and writing letters all of which require a real ffort to nurture a friendship. During those times if you werent close friends with someone they would eventually not be part of youre so called friends after sometime. Now you can keep in up with people who would have fallen out of your life before. Now with the click of a button or two you will be friends with anyone anywhere in the world. These friends can offer support in hard times and celebrate with someone when times are good. In Friends with Benefits by Kate Dailey she speaks of friends and how they can support you through social media. One thing that is addressed is Researchers have et to significantly study the social implications of Facebook (Dailey 219). The information provided goes over friends on Facebook and how they be of some support when someone suffers a loss or has something good happen. They might offer support or words of encouragement with a loss which can be helpful. If someone was to lose a Job, spouse, child or some other tragic incident then a person could offer words of encouragement or support. The question is can these online friends help and offer the same support as a friend there in person. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet friends real or fake specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internet friends real or fake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internet friends real or fake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Having someone ho can offer sincere condolences versus someone who sends a frowning face on a social media website. People usually like to interact with real people during hard times and those friends are people involved in each others lives. Friends that are wanted in our lives will be connected by more than a screen name. During a bad time of someones life they can be helped by many things such as words of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on or a good deed. Online friends can offer typed words of help or encouragement but nothing more really but flesh and blood friends can offer all of that plus the real human interaction. On the opposite side is support when theres good things happening in ones life like kids, Job and other accomplishments. When a goal is met or some other great event occurs in someones life online friends can be supportive with words or smiley faces. Before the internet we wouldnt see our acquaintances very often: every once in a while, we might show up at a wedding and suddenly have 100 of our closest friends around (Daly 219). Theres an endorphin release when people receive good news or words of encouragement but nothing can compare to the feeling for actual human to human contact. Flesh a blood friends can do more than send each other a message or post a comment on a page or picture. Many people gather with their friends and do things such as BBQs, dinners, birthday parties and even go on vacations together. Many friendships are built over time and through ups and downs they share together some over many years. Having online friends express well wishes some success. Looking at online friends one may amass hundreds of these friends but in reality people only have a few good friends according to Shelley E. Taylor, professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angles (Dailey 219). By having so many so called friends some fell more important but most only keep in contact with a small number of their friends. Its impossible to have more than a few friends in anyones life as there isnt enough time to grow that many relationships. Many people seem to confuse friends and acquaintances in the realm of social media leading them to think they can count on everyone they correspond with on these sites. When you need help can you post on a something like Facebook and count on people outside of your core group of friend showing up to help? Its interesting at how many people use social edia Facebook attracted 67. million visitors in the U. S. in April (according to ComScore Inc. ), and the fastest-growing demographic is people over 35 (Dailey 219). This in itself is interesting but the reason for the old age of the growing population is the connecting with past acquaintances from our past. I did a survey of my friends list and asked why everyone was friends with the people they had chosen to be friends with on Facebook. Many answers were to reconnect with people they had lost contact with while others wanted to see if past relationships had moved up or gone down in their opinion. This part was shocking and funny that some would admit this and it seems many would use friends to check on ex-spouses or ex-lovers. The people with children use Facebook to keep track of their kids friends and families. Another interesting fact was the way military or veterans use Facebook to stay in contact with friends all around the world. One big positive benefit was how many grandparents use Facebook to keep up to date on what their grandchildren are doing which before the internet they waited for a phone call or a letter. Now they can see pictures the day the picture is taken and can essage them with no mail or long distance calls. Can Facebook friends provide the same as a flesh and blood friend? The simple answer is no but there are many variables that must be considered. During a hard time Posting personal experiences, no matter how painful, also allows acquaintances who have lived through similar experiences to reach out, either with information about support groups or Just an empathetic ear. The idea of sharing a commonality helps make it a little more bearable. Youre not alone, and there are others going through what you went through (Dailey 220). This shows that if you allow people to know things are going rough you well have people whoVe gone through similar situations support you and point you in the right direction. Another aspect is you can freely vent frustrations without someone feeling attacked. On the positive side you receive support whether youre dealing with a hard time or a great experience youVe had recently. People can express support or reassurance online but nothing replaces the warm feeling-or brain-boosting endorphins-that come from human-on-human contact, and you cant send someone a casserole through Facebook (Dailey 220). Nothing will ever replace a real friend that you can see and touch no matter what applications or emotions are added. People by nature need to be around others and spend time with people who know us down to the core. Some may have hundreds of you are more involved than an online friend that may Just be there to wish you well, say happy birthday because Facebook told them it was your birthday and to give some condolences. A real friend will come sit and listen during a tough phase, bring you food to eat when youre sick or come to see the new baby you Just had at the ospital. Real friends you can call in the middle of the night for anything and theyll be there to help you were a online friend might send you a message or comment in a few days or weeks. Humans speak more in actions than they do with words and the majority of our communication is nonverbal than it is actual verbal communication. Cited Work Dailey, Kate. Friends with Benefits: Do Facebook Friends Provide the Same Support as Those in Real Life. Writing Today. Ed. Richard Johnson-Sheehan and Charles Paine. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2010. 218-221. Print

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Make Ice Spikes in Your Freezer

How to Make Ice Spikes in Your Freezer Ice spikes are tubes or spikes of ice that shoot up or off at an angle from a container of frozen water, such as a bird bath or bucket in the winter. The spikes resemble an inverted icicle. Ice spikes form rarely in nature, but you can make them in your own freezer quite simply and reliably. Heres what you do. Ice Spike Materials distilled waterice cube trayfrost-free freezer (ordinary home freezer) Its important to use distilled or reverse osmosis purified water. Ordinary tap water or mineral water contain dissolved substances that may prevent the water from forming spikes or reduce the number of spikes that are formed. You can substitute a bowl or cup for the ice cube tray. Plastic ice cube trays are nice because they contain several small compartments, meaning you have a quick freeze time and several chances for spikes. Make Ice Spikes Its easy! Simply pour the distilled water into the ice cube tray, set the tray in your freezer, and wait. You can expect about half of the ice cubes to contain ice spikes. An ordinary ice cube tray freezes in about 1-1/2 to 2 hours. The spikes degrade and soften over time since most home freezers are frost-free and will blow warmer air over the spikes. How It Works Pure water supercools, which means it remains liquid past the ordinary freezing point. When it starts to freeze at this lower temperature, it solidifies very rapidly. The freezing process starts at the edges of the container because the nicks, scratches, and imperfections allow for nucleation of the ice crystals. Freezing continues until there is only a hole near the middle of the container, which contains liquid water. Ice is less dense than liquid water, so some of the crystals float to the top and are pushed out, forming a spike. The spike grows until the water is frozen. There are two reasons why ordinary tap water or mineral water are less likely to form ice spikes. The first reason is that this water tends to freeze at its regular freezing point. This is a much slower process than freezing from the supercooled state, so solidification is more likely to be homogeneous or occur throughout the ice cube all at once. If there isnt a hole in the ice, the ice spike cant grow. The other reason is that contaminants or impurities in the water become concentrated in the liquid as the water freezes. Researchers believe solids become concentrated at the growing tip of an ice spike and inhibit further growth. Learn More How To Supercool WaterMake Hot Ice or Supercooled Sodium AcetateWhy Ice Floats

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Habitat fragmentation Essays

Habitat fragmentation Essays Habitat fragmentation Essay Habitat fragmentation Essay Three different attacks to understand worsening population : the instance of home ground atomization Introduction The IUCN Red List indicates that over 6000 species of craniates are threatened ( IUCN 2009a ) . The most important factor of endangering species is habitat atomization ( Caughley and Gunn 1996 ; Hanski 1998 ; IUCN 2004 ) , which is defined as an agent of decline in the declining-population paradigm ( Caughley 1994 ) . Although species-specific attacks are employed to turn to the agent of diminution, the more theoretical attack should be developed to supply more efficient direction scheme of endangered species preservation ( Caughley 1994 ) . However, several methods associated with habitat atomization have been developed on classical attacks ( Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007 ) . Therefore, the purpose of this reappraisal is to analyze recent attacks to turn toing population diminution in disconnected landscape and if these attacks have been developed in the manner to understand population diminution. Approach to turn toing population diminution INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR Cardinal to this attack is that loss of nucleus countries, which are often used for single behavior such as forage or genteelness, is the key to an apprehension of the impact of habitat atomization on population. Case survey: Habitat choice of the Iberian Lynx ( Lynx pardinus ) at dispersion phase The Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus ) happening in the Iberian Peninsula ( Delibes et al. 2000 ) is a moderate-sized feline and the most threatened feline in the universe ( Nowell and Jackson 1996 ) . One of the major factors of diminution in the population is habitat devastation and atomization ( Rodriguez and Delibes 1992 ) . : Palomares et Al. ( 2000 ) behavior radiotracking research with 42 persons for 14 old ages in the Donana part. Their findings indicate that radio-collared Iberian lynxes at dispersal phase most often use the Mediterranean scrubland, where flora type is more suited for runing and engendering. Palomares et Al. ( 2000 ) found postdispersal persons tend to settle in lower quality home ground compared to habitat at predispersal phase. In decision, it is suggested that the nucleus country for the Iberian lynx might hold already reached transporting capacity, therefore, to keep population, the Mediterranean scrubland should be protected. The major strength and failing of the single behavior attack This paper focuses on persons in a disconnected home ground with the accent on behavior at a critical phase for endurance, where single dispersion behaviour is critical for population kineticss ( Bowler and Benton 2005 ) . The advantage of attack might be elaborate description of the relationship between home ground and species by radiotracking. Based on single behavior, Palomares et Al. ( 2000 ) highlights the importance of a specific flora type. Although this attack is similar to the behaviour-based theoretical account ( Norris 2004 ) , which is based on single behavior scheme with evolutionary theory, the attack on here is non complete plenty to include evolutionary However, the strength of the behaviour-based theoretical account might be able to partly use since both attacks are developed from behavioural ecology. From this point of position, the strength of this single behavior attack is that a plausible premise of population response to habitat atomization can be established based on single behavior, as Norris ( 2004 ) supposes. On the other manus, this attack could be criticized as an deficient method to understand population diminution theoretically owing to complexness. This expostulation is hard to counter, since this attack tends to be species-specific and case-by-case on the land that single behavior is influenced by assorted factors such as fittingness, intra- or interspecies competition, resource handiness, or environment ( Begon et al. 1996 ) . Therefore, the failing of the attack must be trouble in using consequences to other species. METAPOPULATION APPROACH Metapopulation kineticss is frequently considered as a sufficient tool to understand theoretically the impact of habitat atomization ( Hanski 1998 ) . This attack is derived from island biological science, therefore, it is possible to understand the impact of habitat atomization by incorporating a spot construction with well-established little population theory ( Hanski and Gilpin 1997 ) . Case survey: Metapopulation kineticss of the Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus ) Gaona et Al. ( 1998 ) characterizes the spacial constellation of Iberian lynx population as the metapopulation construction in the Donana part, and conducts patterning and simulation research of metapopulation kineticss with demographic parametric quantity based on field informations gathered from 1983 to 1992. Harmonizing Gaona et Al. ( 1998 ) , Iberian lynx metapopulation has a beginning and sink construction, and the survival rate of territory-holding grownups in beginnings play a premier function in the metapopulation kineticss. They conclude that increasing transporting capacity in the beginnings and diminishing mortality rate in the sinks are effectual in keeping the population of lynx. The major strength and failing of the metapopulation attack In the instance survey, it is assumed that population diminution of Iberian lynx cased by habitat atomization in the Donana part depends on the balance between beginnings and sinks. In add-on, the metapopulation theoretical account shows several possible determiners of population kineticss. Therefore, it could be argued the metapopulation theoretical account has three strengths to understand population diminution by habitat atomization. First, the theoretical account could heighten theoretical apprehension of the impact on population kineticss at regional degree ( Hanski 1998 ) . Second, conjectural scenarios of population kineticss can be proposed for future direction ( Gaona et al. 1998 ) . Third, metapopulation theoretical account can incorporate the chief two models for research in habitat atomization ; one is species-oriented ( e.g. demographic or familial ) , another is pattern-oriented ( e.g. connectivity or inch consequence ) ( Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007 ) . However, the two cardinal jobs of metapopulation theory for the impact of habitat atomization can be identified. One is an equivocal definition of atomization in metapopulation theory. The term of atomization originally means the procedure of home ground alteration, therefore, it is hard to see that a spacial construction of disconnected landscape is the standards to understand population diminution ( Fahrig 2003 ) . Another is deficient parametric quantities for demographic and environment in the theoretical account due to either oversimplifying of or deficiency of ecological informations and environmental factors ( Harrison and Bruna 1999 ; Bowler and Benton 2005 ) PHYLOGEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH Phylogeography can lend to placing geographic barrier and the impact of scattering on familial fluctuation ( Freeland 2005 ) . Therefore, it assists to understand the impact of habitat atomization on species dispersion and familial diverseness. Case survey: Phylogeography and preservation familial of Jaguars ( Panthera onca ) Although Jaguar one time ranged from south portion of US to Argentina, current scope is restricted from Mexico to south portion of Argentina ( Nowell and Jackson 1996 ) . The population tendency is worsening ( IUCN 2009b ) caused by chiefly habitat atomization ( Nowell and Jackson 1996 ) . Eizirik ( 2001 ) et Al. examines mtDNA control part and microsatellite venue from 44 Jaguars. They point out that panther may hold high cistron flow across their scope, because 22 different haplotypes and the 4 haplotype subgroups do non bespeak a historical-geographical barrier for subspecific distinction. However, their mtDNA and microsatellite analysis shows considerable distinction between subgroups. Eizirik et Al. ( 2001 ) assumes that some dispersion of Jaguar is limited by Amazon River and the Darien Strait, and perchance by the recent geographical barrier. Added to this, they besides find low degree of familial diverseness from mtDNA analysis while high degree of single fluctuation is found from microsatellite loci analysis. Although Eizirik et Al. ( 2001 ) see trying prejudice, they conclude that it is necessary to maintain high cistron flow and familial diverseness for Jaguar preservation. The major strength and failing of the phylogeographical attack The major strength of phylogeography may be supplying penetration of the distribution procedure from persons to population and species. Sing persons, the instance survey reveals that some panthers have a high ability to scatter within the scope, although major geographical barriers exist. This serves as grounds of long-distance dispersion because the survey of long-dispersal has been superficial, even though much research has done for short-distance dispersion ( Waser et al. 2001 ) . In add-on, phylogeography shows familial diverseness, on which dispersal/gene flow has the important impact, at population and species level ( Frankham et al. 2002 ) . Therefore, the phylogeographical attack may be a sufficient tool for understanding the impact of habitat atomization by placing single dispersion and familial diverseness in population and species. However, this attack might non be suited to acknowledge possible indicants of diminution such as high mortality rate in a home ground which are unseeable in familial analysis. Discussion It was observed in old portion of this reappraisal that the three attacks show the different dimensions and the advantages and disadvantages. To compare all of these distinctions is beyond the range of a brief paper. Therefore, the cardinal difference, spacial and temporal graduated table, in the three attacks is focused on here. Sing spacial graduated table, the first attack focuses on single behavior, while metapopulation attack efforts to understand population diminution at regional degree. However, phylogeographical attack allows consideration from single to species degree. Phylogeographical attack is besides able to see the impact of habitat atomization within a wide temporal graduated table. Compared to phylogeographical attack, the temporal graduated table in other two attacks is comparatively little. Having noticed this implicit in distinction, it could travel on to see how they complement each other with their strengths and failings. We shall concentrate on the single behavior attack to analyze how to incorporate attacks. When incorporating it with metapopulation theoretical account, it might non be effectual. The ground is that the theoretical account simplifies single behavior ( Heinz, et Al. 2006 ) , even though the metapopulation theoretical account allows spread outing clip graduated table by imitating scenarios. Namely, the metapopulation theoretical account may cut down the advantage of single behavior attack. On the other manus, uniting with phylogeographical attack has high potency for understanding the impact of habitat atomization on population kineticss. Since phylogeographical attack provides grounds of historical and current scattering, integrated attack can maximise the ecological information of species by comparing historical scattering and present dispersion behavior. In add-on, familial diverseness revealed by phylogeographical attack can track the effects of behavior scheme on population kineticss. Therefore, it seems sensible to say that incorporating single behavior and familial analysis is sufficient for future apprehension of the impact of habitat atomization. This incorporate attack has already started to develop ( Gebremedhin et al. 2009 ) . In decision, even though this integrated attack has started to develop and several attacks including a theoretical theoretical account have emerged, our understanding for population diminution might non be beyond Caughley s declining-population paradigm in the sense of species-specific and individual attack. The chief ground is that elaborate ecological informations of the mark species is indispensable to utilize theoretical accounts or an incorporate attack efficaciously for understanding the impact of habitat atomization, which is a major menace for most species and the agent of diminution. Literature Cited Begon, M. , J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1996. Ecology: persons, populations and communities. 3rd edn, Blackwell Science, Cambridge. Bowler, D.E. , and T.G. Benton. 2005. Causes and effects of carnal dispersion schemes: associating single behavior to spacial kineticss. Biological Review 80: 205-225. Caughley, G. 1994. Direction in preservation biological science. Journal of Animal Ecology 62: 215-244. Caughley, G. , and A. Gunn. 1996. Conservation biological science in theory and pattern. Blackwell Science, Cambridge. Delibes, M. , A. Rodriguez, and P. Ferreras. 2000. Action program for the preservation of the Iberian lynx in Europe ( Lynx pardinus ) . Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, France. Eizirik, E. , J.H. Kim, M. Menotti-Raymond, P.G. Crawshaw, S.J. OBrien, and W.E. Johnson. 2001. Phylogeography, population history and preservation genetic sciences of panthers ( Panthera onca, Mammalia, Felidae ) . Molecular Ecology 10: 65-79. Fahrig, L. 2003. Effectss of habitat atomization on biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecological Evolution and Systematics 34: 487-515. Fischer, J. , and D.B. Lindenmayer. 2007. Landscape alteration and habitat atomization: a synthesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 265-280. Frankham, R. , J.D. Ballou, and D.A. Briscoe. 2002. Introduction to Conservation Genetics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Freeland, J. R. 2005. Molecular Ecology. Willy, UK. Gaona, P. , P. Ferreras, and M. Delibes. 1998. Dynamicss and viability of a metapopulation of the endangered Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus ) . Ecological Monographs 68: 349-370. Gebremedhin, B. , G.F. Ficetola, S. Naderi, H.-R.Rezaei, C. Maudet, D. Rioux, G. Luikart, O. Flagstad, W. Thuiller, and P. Taberlet. 2009. Uniting familial and ecological informations to measure the preservation position of the endangered Ethiopian walia ibex. Animal Conservation 12: 89-100. Hanski, I. 1998. Metapopulation kineticss. Nature 396: 41-49. Hanski, I. , and M.E. Gilpin. Editors. 1997. Metapopulation Biology: Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution. Academic Press, London, UK. Harrison, S. , and E. Bruna. 1999. Habitat atomization and large-scale preservation: what do we cognize for certain? ECOGRAPHY 22: 225-232. Heinz, K.S. , C. Wissel, and K. Frank. 2006. The viability of metapopulations: single dispersion behavior affairs. Landscape Ecology 21: 77-89. IUCN ( the International Union for Conservation Nature and Natural Resources ) . 2004. Species Extinction The Facts. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 8th November 2009 ] IUCN ( the International Union for Conservation Nature and Natural Resources ) . 2009a. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciess: Table 1. Numbers of threatened species by major groups of beings ( 1996-2009 ) . IUCN ( the International Union for Conservation Nature and Natural Resources ) . 2009b. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Panthera onca. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 8th November 2009 ] Nowell, K. , and P. Jackson. 1996. Wildcat wells: Status study and preservation action program. IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland. Palomares, F. , M. Delibes, P. Ferreras, J. M. Fedriani, J. Calzada, and E. Revilla. 2000. Iberian lynx in a disconnected landscape: Predispersal, dispersion, and postdispersal home grounds. Conservation Biology 14: 809-818. Norris, K. 2004. Pull offing threatened species: the ecological tool chest, evolutionary theory and declining-population paradigm. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 413-426. Rodriguez, A. , and M. Delibes. 1992. Current scope and position of the Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck, 1824 in Spain. Biological Conservation 61: 189-196. Waser, P.M. , C. Strobeck, and D. Paetkau. 2001. Estimating interpopulation dispersion rates. Pages 484-497 in J. L. Gittleman, S. M. Funk, D. Macdonald and R. K. Wayne, editors. Carnivore Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History Essay

Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History - Essay Example The services of the Library foundation have been active since 1872. The library is not active for respective purpose but also working in a join with other 72 libraries in Los Angeles. The Library Foundation is also involved in undertaking advocacy services as well. This shows that Library Store is involved in supporting masses within the community. Unlike other fundraising events, this was less advertised among the mainstream celebrities. It is obvious from the charity events that it could not become successful in terms of raising funds for the cause until celebrity endorsement is undertaken. But Library Store’s Cancer Fund Raiser had common people as visitors more than celebrities. This charity event was created for the first time in the Library Store with its own affiliation of organizers. The goal of this charity was backed up by its vision of supporting other libraries in Los Angeles to maintain their services to the educational institutions for spreading literacy in Los Angeles. Considering this vision, the event was a success and organized relevant activities. The intriguing fact about the fundraising was the inclusion of different standing-comedians who participated to make the event a success. These standing-comedians had successfully taken place of celebrities coming to the event. According to the organizer of f undraising, the basic goal of the fundraiser was to assess the contribution of common people in Los Angles who are more than willing to contribute to the society. It will not be incorrect to state that this fundraising was far different than other charity events. It was because of low-light charity. The Library Store is an attraction for a majority of people living Los Angeles which automatically spread awareness regarding the fundraiser.