Wednesday, December 18, 2019

`` A Doll House `` Women s Rights Of Liberty, Equality,...

â€Å"In the history of feminism Universalism has played a crucial role. The revolutionary promise to realize the individual human rights of liberty, equality, and political participation has been the basis for women’s claim for citizenship in Western democracies since the eighteenth century† (Scott). The problem, of course, could be that feminism is often difficult to define, a problem noted by bell hooks and Carmen Vasquez. Vasquez argues that feminism, unfortunately, has come to mean anything you like [†¦] There are as many definitions of Feminism as there are feminists (Vasquez qtd. in hooks 17 qtd. in Brunnemer). Women fought long and hard to achieve equal right with men, but in the 1870s that equality was just a dream. Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Doll House† shows just how unequal women were compared to men during this period of time. â€Å"The play was deemed so daring that, when performed in many countries, the ending was changed so that Nora return s home, finding she cannot leave Torvald or her three children so great is her love and devotion to them† (Brunnemer). There were two roads that could have been taken by women in this era. Road one was being a wife and a stay at home mom. The second road was being a low paid labor worker. Nora and her childhood friend Kristen represent the two choices that women had to choose from. â€Å"In The Myth of Motherhood: An Historical View of the Maternal Instinct (1981), the French philosopher Elisabeth Badinter argued that motherly love is not anShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 PagesResponsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modification f. Right tech for wrong reasons 3. Arts/Culture a. Arts have a future in Singapore? b. Why pursue Arts? c. Arts and technology d. Uniquely Singapore: Culture 4. Environment a. Developed vs. Developing b. Should environment be saved at all

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